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How These Elections Will Affect Preppers
There was never a time when emergency preparedness was on the minds of so many Americans. In fact, you might argue that the world's...
The Police and Military when SHTF – Friend or Armed Foe?
It is difficult to plan to live in a post-SHTF environment. More than anything, we have to know we're making blind plans. We don't...
The Establishment Fuels False Hope
There is a notion within the mainstream media that certain economic indicators are unassailable; they never stop being reliable. The way they look at...
How to Use Acorns as Survival Food
Spring's fresh growth attracts aphids in their thousands-sucking plant life, stunting their growth. Fortunately, aphids love new nettle shoots, which has many benefits for the garden – meaning you can use them as sacrificial...
How to Consume Oak – Nature’s Powerhouse
Man is inextricably tied up with the great oak tree and its many varieties. In the most bleak times of our early history and even in more recent years, this great tree has given...
9 Natural Remedies for Faster Wound Healing
We can all agree that as we age our skin goes through a lot. In fact, some of us have the scars, wounds, and blemishes to prove it! Maybe an old scar from a...
Just Like Doxycycline: The Antibiotic That Grows in Your Backyard
Overuse of antibiotics has been a cause of much concern in recent years and the dangers that overuse can bring, even to a normally safe person. While prescription antibiotics certainly have their place and...
30 Remedies for Cracked Heels
If your skin gets super dry, then it might lead to cracking, and this can be quite uncomfortable. Cracked skin can lead to cuts...
How To Deal With Unusual Garden Invaders
For many people, gardens bring so much positivity, from a rewarding hobby to providing the food needed to survive. So, the last thing a...
The Ultimate Suburban Homesteading Guide
Homesteading in the suburbs is not yet commonplace, but the practice is now deemed more socially acceptable and less frowned upon by at least...
Prepping Dog and Cat Food
Dogs and cats are a vital part of the homestead or when your prepper nightmare come true. Whether you plan to bug out or...
On the Many (28) Survival Uses of Tallow
Personally, I think that tallow is one of those things capable of making your stomach spin like a washing machine. I really don’t have...
Preparing Your Own Medicine – 7 Herbs You Should Be Growing Now
If you don’t yet have a medicinal herb garden, perhaps now is the time to consider starting one. Having not only a living but...
DIY Rattle-Can Camo for Weapons and Other Gear
Do-It-Yourself spray paint camouflage is simple to do, cheap, requires no fancy equipment, and does not require a ton of skill or experience to...
How To Make Apple Butter With 2 Years Shelf-Life
I often wonder how many preppers are going to orchards and berry fields to store in bulk fresh produce, to bring it home in...
Bug Out Bag Water Filtration Options
A critical prep that you have to plan for including in your bug out bag is water. When I first got into prepping, I...
DIY MREs That You Can Make at Home
Canned and preserved foods can be found in most prepper's pantries. And they've also been popular in survival packing.
However, the use of canned foods...
12 Things You Forgot to Add to Your Stockpile
Building a survival stockpile is a never-ending task. No matter how much you have, it always seems there’s something more to add. Stockpile a...
Five Emergency Survival Tools
As preppers we strive to acquire skills, knowledge and yes tools that can assist us should we ever be faced with dire circumstances. The...
8 Silent Weapons To Have Against Intruders
Generally speaking, protecting your home and family is a very important activity, but today it seems to be more important than it has ever...
Delicious Recipes Using Cattails – “The Supermarket of the Swamp”
Cattails (Typha latifolia) are among Earth's most versatile plants. With good reason it is called the "Supermarket of the Swamp," because it can be...
DIY Mini Greenhouse For Year-Round Vegetables
To those with a love of growing plants or for those who enjoy living a healthy life with little to no effort, building your...
Post Apocalypse Gardening: Living From a Small Piece of Land in Tough Conditions
What do you do, in a world where you can’t go to the supermarket and pick up a can of Campbell’s Chunky Soup? Where...