36 PVC DIY Projects for Your Homestead


There are so many projects that you can do on your homestead. Have you considered DIY projects with PVC pipes? There are a number of things that you can do from animal care to garden hacks. The projects can be very simple to more complicated depending on what you are going for. You can be very colorful or plain when you are building your projects.

PVC pipes are lightweight and easy to use. They are bendable and easy to use. Working with PVC can be done on your own or very easily a team project. The pipes are durable enough to withstand the wind. The pipes won’t change shape or expand with contact from water. PVC pipes are also non-toxic so they are safe for use for animals and human contact.

Let’s look at some fun and creative ideas to make out of PVC pipes. I will list them in part of how you would use the project on your homestead. Garden jobs and hacks, animal care, and even clothing help for chores. There are so many other projects that can be done by using PVC pipes but these are aimed more for homesteading.

Garden Uses

Being that the PVC pipes do not react to chemicals they are perfectly safe to start seeds in. They are also safe for your food and soil to be in contact with the pipes.

Tomato Cages

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your Homestead These are a handy and reusable cage for holding up your tomatoes. You can make the cages according to the type of tomatoes that you grow.

Also, the cages can be made small for individual plants or for several plants such as in a row.

Cucumber Trellis

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your Homestead Cucumbers can be grown on the ground but they do better growing up a trellis.

The trellis can be shaped however you desire.

The PVC pipes will keep the trellis sturdy and give you space to run lines for the cucumbers to climb.

Cold Frames

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadWhen you work with PVC it can be shaped how you like.

A cold frame is a small tunnel-shaped ground cover.

These PVC frames are great for fall and winter gardening.

Deep Irrigation

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis is a great way to really water the roots of some of your plants.

With this irrigation system, you simply take a pipe and drill a few holes and then insert it into the ground next to the plants and dump water down the pipe for a good deep watering.

Handheld Seeders

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis handmade contraption is a back saver when it comes to planting your seeds.

The seeds can also be made to your height for added ease and comfort.

Take the seed and drop it through the pipe at the bottom is making a hole in the ground for the seed.

Ground Irrigation

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis form of irrigation can be more complex. You can make as many lines and cover as much of your area as needed. This requires more work to build but saves a lot of work and watering once it is finished.

Garden Tool Holders

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis PVC holder is very handy for organizing your tool shed.

Be sure to always put your shovels, rakes, and hoes away when you are finished and you will always know where they are and this helps to keep the tools out of the weather.

Garden Hose Holder

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadWhen making this hose holder you can add wheels for toting it around with you.


This can hold your hose wrapped up on it and allow a place to hang your spray nozzle also.

Aquaponics Growing

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadA PVC pipe is great for holding water so it makes a great aquaponic garden.

Cap the ends and drill holes to the desired size for the plants.

Window Gardens

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThe PVC can be cut to heights and lengths needed for either horizontal or vertical growing in your window sills.

In the PVC window gardens, you can grow whatever you want inside.

Container Gardens

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadWith the various sizes of PVC pipes, the options are endless for making containers for a container garden.

The containers will do great in the garden, on the patio or raised beds.

Small Greenhouse Frames

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThere are many types of greenhouses that can be made out of PVC pipe.

The pipes can frame a hoop greenhouse, small square one, or even one that is built onto a wall for half a greenhouse.

Tomato Stakes and Waterer

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis is an awesome idea for helping grow your tomatoes.

We all know how crazy the tomato patch can get.

With this, you can tie your plants up the height of the pipe and also our water down the pipe for a good root watering.

PVC Berry and Fruit Picker

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis is a great way to reach the fruit in those tall trees.

A little tweaking on the tip and a piece of pipe round enough so that the fruit can be picked and travel down the pipe to your basket.

Easy Peasy fruit collection.

Animal Care

The safety of PVC makes them great for use in animal care. There are so many options for animal care from feeding to comfort.

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your Homestead

Chicken Feeders

My chickens eat a lot of feed and like to get in my way when I am trying to feed as they are ready.

Making a PVC chicken feeder is genius as it holds lots of feed, eliminates waste, and keeps them from flocking around your feet.

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your Homestead

Hog Waterers

Now this hog waterer can be huge or small depending on the pen size and the number of hogs you are watering.

For fair, we made small round but tall pipes.

Purchase a nipple and thread into the pipe, cap, and waterproof then you have a waterer.

Milking Stand

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadA milking stand can even be used as a shearing stand.

This project will be a lot more difficult to complete but if you have milk goats or sheep then your back will appreciate the extra effort.

You will need to make sure that the stand is sturdy for being able to hold the weight of your livestock.

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your Homestead

Chicken Tractor

A mobile chicken coop is nice.

A lightweight mobile coop is even better.

The Chicken tractor can be made to fit the size needed for your flock.

Chicken Waterer

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadA PVC waterer takes some work to not leak.

This waterer is somewhat of an automatic waterer as it can hold several gallons.

Bird Feeder

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadHanging bird feeders are appreciated by the wild birds, especially in the winter months.

The bird feeder can be made very simple or even can be built to deter squirrels from getting into it.


36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThe wild birds will also appreciate a birdhouse.

The PVC birdhouses can be decorated in very nice colors and can be spacious enough to be able to comfortably make a home for a bird or even a nest of them.

Dog Cot

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadNot all of our pets are allowed on our furniture. Some may not even like a big fluffy bed or pillow to sleep on so make them a cot.

For the smaller dog, you can build the cot low to the ground or vice versa. You can also use some really cute materials to make the cot with.

Frozen Tubes for Keeping Cool

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis project is nice to have around. It serves the same purpose as a frozen two-liter bottle but will hold ice longer.

The frozen pipes can be put in pens to keep animals cool by laying against or they can be put into water bowls to help keep the water cool.

Dog Food and Water Stand

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis PVC pipe project is very appreciated by your taller dogs.

My mastiff is very tall and it is a stretch to eat from a bowl on the floor, he usually just lays down to eat.

The legs of the stand can be made to height and adjust them to the size of your food and water bowls.

Small Animal Pen

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadWith some PVC pipes and elbows, you can build a nice little pen for your pet to play outside in.

I used to have guinea pigs and they liked to be outside but couldn’t be loose or tied up so a small pen was perfect.

This pen can even be taken apart for easy storage.

Homesteading Chores

When working around your homestead it is always helpful to have a “life hack” to make your chores easier or more fun. These projects can be very helpful to be able to finish your chores,

Gutter Cleaners

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThe PVC gutter cleaner is a whole lot safer than climbing a ladder.

The pipe hooks to a hose and then reaches up to the gutters for spraying and cleaning out.

Camp Chairs

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadYou can never go wrong with chairs.

These PVC chairs are lightweight and easy to move around.

Build your chair and then take it around with you for when you need a break from your chores.

Tapestry Loom

Not every homesteader needs a tapestry loom but if you do or would like to give it a try this is a cheap way of making a loom.


36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadEvery homestead needs a wagon. This PVC wagon is lightweight and mobile.

Frame the walls of the wagon and place it on some wheels and you have the means to move around a lot of items on your homestead. You can also pull the kiddos around on it for fun.

Clothes Rack

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis clothes rack is meant to be smaller than a regular clothesline.

You also have a mobile drying rack to take with you on trips or camping or when swimming to dry your wet towels.

Target Stands

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadOn my homestead, we like to shoot.

A PVC target stand makes for different levels and paces for shooting. The stand can be made to hold different items for target practice.

Trash Bag Dispenser

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis is a very simple project. Make a wide cut into the side of the pipe and you can even mount it onto the wall or cabinet.

Slide the roll of trash bags through an end and pull them individually out the slit in the side.

Outside Shower

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadAn outside shower is not a requirement but it sure is nice to have.

Having an outside shower will make it easier to rinse off from the real hot sweaty days from the hayfield.

Or when you have been out cleaning the hog barn and stink from high heaven and don’t want that trailed into your house.

Pipe Spool Holders

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis project is more for organizing.

The pipes make nice organizers for hanging things such as ribbon, tape, and even wire from.

Recycling Bag Holders

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadThis holder is an easy project to accomplish.

Build a frame that will stand and put a large trash bag in it.

Now for parties or yard work you have a light open container to discard trash or recycle items into.

Waterproof Cache

36 PVC DIY Projects for Your HomesteadMake a waterproof cache out of PVC. You can store anything of importance to you in this cache. You can make the cache as long or as big around as you like with the pipe of your choosing. Cap and waterproof the ends to be sure that your stuff is protected. Food, money, or even medicine are great items to put into your cache and store.

Take your packed belongings and then you can dig a hole in a secret location for security and not have to worry about it until it is needed.

Working with PVC doesn’t require many tools. Most of the needed tools are simple hand tools that can be used by a single person making these projects very doable. The projects can be cut, shaped, and fitted together easily for fun and handy projects. Paint even sticks well to the plastic to make for the projects to be decorative along with useful. With some measuring and a little work, you will have homesteading projects to make your life easier.