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25 Survival Uses For Leftover Bacon Grease

If you regularly eat bacon and sausage, you are likely to begin collecting excess bacon grease. Bacon fat is a convenient and flexible provision...

How to Make Portable Soup

First off, you're probably curious what portable soup is like. It's basically a dried and solidified broth for easier transport, preservation and portability. It's...

The Edible Backyard Harvest You Never Knew Existed

  If you’ve been a reader for some time now you know that I’m a BIG proponent of learning to identify and use wild edible...

My First Batch Of Canned Cheese

I have always heard that "necessity is the mother of invention", but I also think of it as "the mother of learning something new."...

How to Make All-Natural Homemade Turmeric Pain Pills

When you watch the news on every given day, it doesn't take long to know that there is a worldwide epidemic of drug abuse....

How To Make Sauerkraut – The Most Effective Probiotic

If you like cabbage and want better gut health, then you're lucky. Not only is Sauerkraut tasty and very inexpensive, it works as a...

Edibility Test: Find Out Which Backyard Weeds are Edible

You probably already know, as a prepper, that certain weeds are edible. But, if you don't know how to say the difference between the...

8 Edible Backyard Plants And Their Poisonous Lookalikes

In a survival situation, many wild plants grow near your home which are edible and useful. Some are fairly obscure, while others are well...

How To Tell The Difference Between The Healing “Queen Anne’s Lace”...

The edible and healing Queen Anne's Lace is a member of the same family as the poisonous Hemlock and the plants and are similar...

How To Make Tea Tree Oil To Treat Infections

To overcome various health problems, much greater use of natural remedies than resorting to OTC medicines. This is where essential oils are particularly useful...