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Building an Attic Sniper’s Nest

Since the Civil War, some early versions of the sniper nests have existed. You can see an early sniper nest from the Gettysburg battle...

Top 6 Survival Rifles and Why You Need One

If you are prepping for the zombie apocalypse or the aftermath of a typhoon, self-defense is a vital part of surviving any catastrophe. Each...

12 Worst Guns Every Prepper Should Avoid

During a life or death situation, guns are intended to help owners. Your preferred assault weapon should therefore be of premium quality. Sad to say, choosing...

What To Do In The Upcoming US Ammunition Shortage

The US faces a serious shortage of ammunition. The market for guns has toppled through the roof after an unstable and turbulent year. After the...

8 Ammo Storage Tips Every Prepper Should Know

A lot of people think stocking up on supplies is just about being a prepper. True enough, without creating stockpiles of essentials, you can't...

How to Make Shotgun Shells at Home? (With Pictures)

A common example of a smoothbore firearm is the modern shotgun, but there are also shotguns fitted with rifled barrels designed to shoot sabot...

10+ Shooting Skills You Need To Practice

The time to really look into and improve shooting skills to defend ourselves and our families and loved ones is upon us now that...

Using Airsoft For Prepper Training

One of my sheepdog goals this year is to become proficient with a handgun and to get my carry license. I bought my first handgun a few...

How Much Ammo You Need For Practice Just To Keep Your...

"I can't afford to go to the range, so I don't get any practice," I hear this all the time. Well because ammunition has gotten...

Best Self-Defense Items To Carry During The Riots After Elections

The unrest and rioting that is going on in cities across the country is becoming increasingly apparent that it will not end anytime soon....