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22 Essential Food Reserve Questions

As I continue to evaluate the websites of many current providers of shelf-stable emergency foods, I am once again motivated to stimulate the due...

This Really Happens if You Eat a Bucket of Survival Food

Food: it seems to be the one constant in prepping. We start out buying food and many of us are still buying food, long...

Remove These 10 Items From Your Stockpile Immediately

Building a survival stockpile is a challenge on many levels. Trying to afford it is one challenge. Trying to ensure that it will provide...

The Best ORAC Foods to Stockpile

ORAC stands for ‘oxygen radical absorbance capacity.’ It is a measuring unit that determine a specific food's antioxidant ability. The more antioxidants a food...

15 Weird Foods That Were Common During The Great Depression

The Great Depression was a time of scarcity-induced innovation: families had to do without many household staples and used their resourcefulness to come up...

Sealed Foods that Last Forever

It seems as if the start and end of prepping is stockpiling food. I'm saying this because that's how almost everyone starts and it's...

Turning Flour into Hardtack Biscuits With Over 100 Year Shelf Life

Why store flour (max shelf-life 1 year) when it can be made into Hardtack Biscuits that will last forever. For centuries, hardtacks were the key...

50 Tips From The Great Depression

The Great Depression was one of the most traumatic events in American history. Following the stock market crash of October 1929, industrial production crashed,...

How to Build a Smokehouse In Your Backyard (with Pictures)

One of the best and tastiest ways to conserve meat is to smoke it. The meat is delicious, and if you keep it in...

How Safe is to Eat Expired Food?

Last week, I went through my pantry, trying to get an idea of how much food storage I have. By the time the organizing...