Essential Oils for Energy


Instead of turning to that cuppa or a sugary snack the next time you need an energy boost, how about turning to essential oils? That’s right — there are essential oils for energy and we’re going to be talking about how to incorporate them into your life for better energy–without the caffeine!

It seems that everywhere you turn, there’s someone who’s got an essential oil for every issue known to man–cuts, bruises, anxiety, hair loss, coughs, adrenal fatigue, cleaning the air, and more. Today, we’re adding energy boosting to the list.

Finding out that one can use essential oils for energy was truly an AHA moment for me. Why? Well, because I am allergic to caffeine–can you imagine that?

With all of the coffee-addicts out there, have you ever heard of someone who is literally allergic to caffeine? Well, that’s me. Caffeine makes me hyper and raises my blood pressure.

In addition to my caffeine allergy, I also try to avoid sugar because diabetes runs in my family. And since most of the energy drinks and bars are choked full of caffeine and/or sugar, I avoid them like the plague.

Have you ever longingly looked at the energizer bunny and just wished for a speck of its energy? Yeah, me too.

Related: 9 Prepping Uses for Coffee Grounds

He’s just going and going but a tiny boost of his energy is all you need to get through this stressful day.

Possibly your energy is at such a low that you’re at a point where you don’t even want to get out of bed in the morning because you are flat out tired. You can blame the fast-paced world where people have to work long hours and double jobs, leading to adrenal fatigue, chronic stress, and more.

Or perhaps it is that afternoon drowsiness that is making you reach for that fifth er, seventh cup of coffee?

You know that being on a coffee drip is not good for you, but you are in desperate need of an energy boost so that’s the first place that you turn.

Yes, I feel you. I’m just like you. After all, I feel tired and need some “pick me up” energy boost from time to time. But I need something that will help increase my energy without caffeine and sugar. My options were pretty limited.

So you can imagine my joy when I discovered that you can actually use essential oils to boost your energy levels.

I found a healthy energy boost that’s not chock-full of caffeine or sugar.

Top 7 Essential Oils for Energy

1. Orange

If you are in need of an immediate energy boost, then what you will feel after taking a whiff of orange essential oil may surprise you.

Orange oil is popular not only for its sweet aroma but also for its properties that act as an energy booster. In fact, one of the main root causes of physical fatigue is anxiety.

This study from the School of Dentistry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran shows that citrus oils such as orange have calming properties during stressful moments.

Think of those moments when deadlines are piling up and your anxiety is building. Moments when the stress of it all makes you want to take a long break …or snooze.

In those moments, put some orange oil in your diffuser or inhale this essential oil for energy.

That citrusy smell of orange will tickle your nose, lower cortisol levels, uplift your mood, and instantly boost your energy.

Related: The Prepper’s Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes

2. Lemon

This is another citrus essential oil that helps with energy and is one of my favorites (I just love the lemon scent). Lemon’s zesty and upbeat aroma is inspiring and makes you feel good and energized.

When I experience those early morning lethargic moments, I simply add 1-2 drops of lemon on a tissue and inhale. I know, I could just put the oil in a diffuser, but I can be lazy sometimes. Tissues can be a lazy man’s diffuser.

3. Rosemary

Do you just love the smell of rosemary? It might be because of how it makes you feel.

Rosemary is one of the best essential oils for energy.

Rosemary oil contains Cineole, a potent energy boosting agent. According to this study, Cineole provides positive stimulatory effects that help to boost moods and fight low energy.

In addition, rosemary oil increases alertness by increasing the blood flow to the cerebrum.

Now, instead of slugging through your day, or turning to a cuppa, you can have the promise of meeting those deadlines with a boost of Rosemary oil-inspired energy.  Rosemary is also an ingredient in this Essential Oils for Hair Growth Blend. It’s odd in a way that rose reduces cortisol and can be used in this Essential Oils for Adrenal Fatigue Blend.

4. Basil

Have you ever wondered why Pesto is one of your favorite Italian dishes?

Well, yes, it’s great-tasting for sure, but do you know why you have a great mood and a burst of energy while making it?

The chief reason you are deeply attracted to Pesto is Basil. It not only smells great, tastes great but is also an energy booster.

In this study, researchers found that basil oil can help reduce stress levels. And according to this study, there is a link between high stress level and fatigue. So lowering your stress levels can play a big role in upping your energy.

Basil oil acts as a stimulant reducing sluggishness and making you more alert. The beauty of it is, you don’t have to wait for Italian nights.

Just inhale your basil oil for that energy boost you so richly deserve.

Related: Essential Oils for Energy

5. Juniper

I feel like I must have been living under a rock as I just recently discovered the positive effect of juniper oil as an energy booster.

Inhaling juniper can help reduce the physical, emotional and mental fatigue that’s weighing you down. The scent stimulates warmth and improves your energy levels.

One thing I would for sure recommend is that you not jump on the juniper oil bus as late as I did. Claim your energy boost now courtesy of jazzy juniper oil.

6. Pine

I just love the woody invigorating scent of pine essential oil, do you?

Maybe it’s because woody scents such as pine oil have properties that give you a positive mood plus a boost of energy.

7. Peppermint

Deadlines are screaming for your attention, but there is no energy to be had.

Maybe you just need to bathe your kids and get them ready for bed, or you need to attend that social event.

Oh, what you’d give for a speck of the energizer bunny’s energy!

Thing is you can get not just a speck but a whole load of energy from peppermint oil. Simply use with a diffuser or just take a whiff directly from the bottle and enjoy your new found spark.

However, this study shows that you will get a better result for mental fatigue or burnout by using a blend of peppermint, basil, and helichrysum.

Related: You had me “essentially” at Oil

How to Use Essential Oils for Energy

There are a couple of ways you can use essential oils to boost your energy levels. You can use them in a diffuser, roller bottle, inhaler, tissue, or directly from the bottle.

Even though I have a diffuser, I use the tissue method more. Yeah, because I’m lazy – it’s super easy and convenient. I just take a whiff and keep the tissue near me for when I need it again!

Essential Oil Recipes for Energy

Essential Oil Diffuser Blend for Energy

Experience a burst of vibrant energy any day, any time with this blend.

  • 3 drops lemon
  • 3 drops pine
  • 3 drops juniper


Add the oil to your diffuser and diffuse for about 30 mins.

If you are like me and want to take the lazy approach, then you can add 1 drop of each of the essential oils on a tissue and inhale a couple of times.

Or you can make your own energizing wake-up blend!

Pick-Me-Up Inhaler Blend

Inhalers are very convenient especially when you are on the go. They are so small and easy to carry along wherever you go.

  • 3 drops lemon
  • 3 drops orange
  • 3 drops peppermint
  • 3 drops juniper


You can use an empty inhaler tube like this one.

Alternatively, add the essential oils into a glass bowl. Toss the inhaler wick into the blend, and then use tweezers to turn the wick until it soaks up all the oil. Put the wick back into the inhaler tube and cover.

Use as needed.

Related: How To Make Tea Tree Oil To Treat Infections

How to Get the Best from Essential Oils for Energy

It is important to note that essential oils are not a “magic pill.” So knowing how to use them the right way will help you get the best result.

Knowing the root cause of your low energy or fatigue is the first step in the right direction. That way, you will be able to tackle the problem from the root and not just be trying to get rid of the symptoms.

For me personally, stress and lack of sleep are the main causes of my fatigue. So I take the necessary steps to reduce my stress levels as well as ensure that I get enough sleep (which can be quite difficult at times).

I struggle with insomnia on and off (these are of course also linked to stress) and I use essential oils and other natural remedies to help me de-stress and sleep better.

This holistic approach has been very helpful not only in increasing my energy levels but also in boosting my general health and wellness.

So there you go–the best essential oils for energy and how to use them! The ball is now in your court – ditch the caffeine and sugar and boost your energy levels naturally with essential oils.