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Tag: homesteading

How To Raise Pigs as Part of Your Survival Plan

Pigs are one of the best types of survival livestock a prepper can keep on his or her compound or bugout retreat. They are...

What to Plant in March

March is the perfect time to get those tomato and pepper seeds started indoors ready for an early spring planting! Also, a great time...

How to Collect Pine Pollen – A Long Lasting Super Food

As a prepper, I am always in the wild searching for sources of food. We go foraging for greens, berries, and mushrooms daily. I'm...

How to Grow Your Soil

Grow Your Soil First and the Garden Will Grow Itself How do you grow your soil? What does that mean, “grow your soil?” Plants live only...

6 Practical Uses for Autumn-Falling Leaves

Fall has finally arrived, and many of my favorites come with it, such as color changing leaves, football, chili, a break from the sun,...

8 Tips For Your Winter Survival Gardens

First let’s give a nod at the growing zones that are just entering or hitting the main strides of their production seasons. Best of...

7 Cheap Foods To Stockpile That People Usually Throw Away

If your great-grandmother saw half the things you just throw away, I’m sure she’d have some stern words for you. These days, food comes...

5 Best Wood Cutting Tools

As the most important survival skill to learn, we all focus on the ability to start a fire. Each survival teacher attempts to outdo the...

18 Plants That Should Always Be Planted Together

Companion planting can not only help your growing plants thrive, they can also deter pests infestations that can greatly reduce your harvest yield. Grouping...

DIY Chicken Tunnel (Step-by-Step Guide)

If you don't have room and your chickens are being co-oped in a small coop or even if you need some help in gardening,...