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Tag: homesteading

Remedies for Poison Ivy Rash

Home remedies for poison ivy rash are often safer and more effective than treating poison ivy with store-bought remedies. Also, knowing how to treat...

Easiest Foods to Can

If you’re a homesteader, you no doubt know the difficulty of storing vegetables, fruits, and meats over the winter months. It’s nearly impossible to...

15 Survival Uses for Bentonite Clay

Do you know the many uses of Bentonite clay? This natural mineral clay has the ability to remove toxins, bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals...

How to Enjoy Homesteading

Are you trying to figure out if homesteading is right for you? While there’s no denying that some days can be a challenge, here are...

Winter Homesteading

When summertime hits, most of us are outside, tending to our gardens, collecting an abundance of fresh food, eggs, and even milk. There are...

47 Gardening Hacks

Nothing to see here, just lots of gardening tips, tricks, secrets, and hacks! 1. Honey for rooting slips Instead of buying hormone rooting powder use honey...

25 Powerless Appliances for Your Homestead Kitchen

Kitchens are every home's hub. They're almost always busy, and there are so many daily chores. There are tons of work happening there -...

20 Edible Plants That Could Save Your Life

Sometimes, you have to think outside of the freeze-dried food paradigm. You may find yourself in the woods forced to run from your home or camp...

Storage-Friendly Survival Gardening

When we sit down with the goal to be prepared and self-sufficient, we have to balance a lot. We already walk tightropes between work...

How to Raise Rabbits in Your Apartment

As a prepper, the real question you should be asking yourself is why shouldn’t you raise rabbits? They are a great investment for anybody looking to stockpile...