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Easy and Adaptable Recipe – Bean and Rice Survival Soup

I wanted to share this bean and rice survival soup recipe, because it’s an inexpensive and easy one to prep, store, and make when...

How To Make a Powerful Calendula Extract to Keep in Your...

The sunny orange calendula – also known as the marigold – has a wealth of herbal uses worth learning about. (Photo Source) With both antibacterial and...

6 Make-it and Forget-it Prepper Foods

For farmers around the world, growing food and raising meat is becoming even more difficult. We are seeing more crop loss and livestock losses...

DIY Projects for Your Prepper Pantry

Anyone who knows something about prepping knows that a large part of prepping is building a survival pantry or stockpile. This is where we...

Turning Flour into Hardtack Biscuits With Over 100 Year Shelf Life

Why store flour (max shelf-life 1 year) when it can be made into Hardtack Biscuits that will last forever. For centuries, hardtacks were the key...

How to Can Flour for SHTF

Have you ever heard about canning flour? I hadn’t considered it to be honest, until someone brought it up to me the other day....

How to Build a Smokehouse In Your Backyard (with Pictures)

One of the best and tastiest ways to conserve meat is to smoke it. The meat is delicious, and if you keep it in...

15+ Survival Items To Keep In Your Car At All Times...

Often we Americans forget how incorporated the automobile is into our lifestyle. We're so used to driving everywhere, that we don't even think about...

An Ingenious Way to Catch Pigeons and Other Birds in Your...

There are several ways to capture pigeons or birds, but this is the most creative and effective way to do it. What you need: A...

How To Pickle Meat

Brining has been a common method of preserving meat, at least as far back as the 18th century, to ensure it did not go...