23 Reasons to Prep Even If Doomsday Never Arrives


In this country, there are two kinds of people: those who plan for the worst case scenario and those who don’t. You will also hear people who are not ready for SHTF say things like, “What are you going to do if SHTF never happens?” But even if doomsday never comes, in truth, the people who prepare are better off than those who are not prepared for SHTF. And here are 23 reasons why, even if SHTF never happens, you can continue prepping:

  1. Self-Defense: No wonder doomsday preppers are ready to keep their families in SHTF protected from violence. Standard everyday crime also poses a threat to us between street muggings and home invasions. It is a bonus in SHTF or normal society to have self-protection skills. So, check out the 3 Essential Self-Defense Moves You Must be Aware of.
  1. Leadership: You probably know that a crisis needs a leader if you’ve been prepping for SHTF. You’ve already seen some of those attributes if you’ve learned some leadership skills when getting ready for the big event. The attributes of leadership aren’t a waste of time. At home, at work, with friends, they will help you. Everyone needs a strong leader to be around.
  1. Inflation: The idea of a “weaker” national dollar or euro could scare others, but not the prime minister. If a prepper has three years’ supply of toilet paper, food and other toiletries, those items are bought at yesterday’s price. And if SHTF doesn’t happen, the prepper is isolated from the lack of buying power experienced by individuals who have to purchase food every week. Over time, it is a perfect way to preserve your capital.
  1. First-Aid: In normal society people still get cuts, broken bones and need a first-responder.  If you’re prepared for anything, you are prepared for first-aid. And those skills and supplies may not go unused even if “S” doesn’t “HTF”.
  1. Droughts: For some, the lack of water seems very frightening, but it’s just another obstacle for a prepper to overcome. The Doomsday Prepper will tackle this naturally occurring catastrophe, from gathering and storing water to rationing and purifying water. The end of the world does not come, but it is probable that the Prepper will never go thirsty. Here’s how to can water for emergencies.
  1. Discipline: You probably have discipline if you’ve been putting away food, water and preparing for the worst case scenario. The ability to hang onto something that might never happen demonstrates determination and a desire to force yourself to “drive-on.” In normal life, there are so many facets that exemplary discipline can pay off. In order to be better off with good discipline, the Prepper does not need to undergo SHTF. Keep prepping!
  1. Long-term Planning Skills: Long-term planning skills, along with discipline, will help corporate employees strengthen their department’s work. Who knows, a nice job promotion could result from long-term planning skills.
  1. Organizational Skills: Better management skills would not go unused, whether you’re in the corporate world or employed in a professional profession. Even if SHTF does not happen, the better structured atmosphere that you create will be loved by your boss and co-workers.
  1. Fitness: You have to be in reasonably decent physical health to survive SHTF. But if doomsday never occurs, don’t let your well-being go anywhere. Excellent fitness levels all benefit from your energy level, quality of life and cognitive outlook.
  1. Dwelling Construction & Repair: Patching a roof to seal the air out, insulating a house with no heat; these are ideas that apply to anyone who owns a home. It is a worthwhile undertaking to take the time to learn to fix your house. You will save a lot of money making your own house repairs, whether SHTF comes along or not.
  1. Automobile Maintenance: Car repair is a helpful ability for preppers, close to home repair, primarily, so they can keep their bug-gout vehicle running. But just think of all the money you save from learning to fix your own car, even if it never happens to be post-apocalyptic.
  1. Gardening: A perfect way to lower your total food bill is to cultivate your own food. Even in the winter, your family will enjoy the “fruits of your labor” all year long, especially if you are into canning. Gardening isn’t for preppers only!
  1. Self-Sufficiency: Being self-sufficient has its benefits. One of the good things about being self-sufficient is that localized emergencies happen all the time, even though SHTF doesn’t happen. If you “prepare,” you’re not going to have to rely on government service assistance, and potentially, if you’re prepared enough, you might be able to support the community.
  1. Income Loss:From time to time, we all experience work losses. One of the key advantages of maintaining a well-stocked pantry is that you can go for a long time without help from anyone even when your income is severely reduced. A decent pantry size is a perfect strategy for insurance!
  1. Family Traditions: You will make rituals when you are canning, gardening and baking. Traditions are born out-of-the-way families do things (such as baking, farming, gardening, etc.) that are needed to survive. Even if the grid never goes down, you’re building wonderful relationships while you’re prepping with your family.
  1. Outdoor Survival Skills: All the outdoor survival skills that you have learned when planning for the world’s end, t hey’re not going to be lost to you or your family. Get out and go camping in the middle of the wilderness, real camping. Again, this relates back to the building traditions. A perfect way to train for a lifetime camping trip is to learn outdoor survival skills.
  1. Tools: If you’re like me, you’ve stacked up a range of sets of every kind of instrument you come across. And it is done for good reason. If you have SHTF, you will be able to barter with the useful resources you have for required products. But I also like to have extras of each kind of tool to loan out to friends and send to neighbors in need as “bond building” presents. Giving tools is a great way to create relationships and relationships are worth more than cash, SHTF or not. Check this Top 20 Things You Need To Grab Before The SHTF Journey.
  1. Floods & Fires: It takes a special kind of person to survive floods and fires. An individual who can bug-gout and get their loved ones to safety at a moment’s notice. Who’s better trained than a survivalist to do that? People who are not into SHTF prepping are probably much more likely than the end of the world to listen to you about planning for a flood or fire. Preppers ought to be experts on this subject.
  1. Earthquakes & Tornadoes: These forms of catastrophes are widespread and involve an essential but different set of skills than flood and fire planning. Although doomsday is not yet here, one’s community can call on the prepper to use his search and rescue skills to locate people after such events.
  1. Improvisation: There is a disposable world we live in. If we break something, we throw it away. But the prepper can find a way to repair something useful which breaks or re-purpose it. The Prepper is a helpful person to know when all the hardware stores are closed and you need a fast repair on your basement sub-pump.
  1. Worry Free: Preppers, by and large, should live free of worry. While they are prepared for the worst case scenario, they are better equipped than 90% of the world’s population. SHTF can happen, it may not, but the prepping family “has it covered” either way.
  1. Interpersonal Skills: In a doomsday scenario and in daily life, coping with challenging individuals can be a pain. But with great interpersonal abilities, the prepper excels, and he/she understands that interacting with other people favorably takes you far in life. The Prepper has a “How to Win Friends and Influence People” spot in their library.
  1. Motivation: The definition of motivation is last, and definitely not least. When S doesn’t HTF, all the prepping, studying, doing and helping others are not in vain. The prepper inspires people, if nothing else, to continue taking action to be self-sufficient, to support their society and to protect their family.

Take heart when some say, “What if the world never comes to an end?” ”. Either way, you’ve got stuff covered. You’ve got peace of mind. And in many other aspects, all the prepping is beneficial. You never know who’s watching, and who’s getting motivated. Don’t stop being prepared.