Alcohol has been consumed for thousands of years because of its recreational and therapeutic properties. As far back as 7000 BC, the ancient people of northern China started to ferment fruits and grains. Sure, people still liked to be able to kick back and relax with a drink, but were they aware of the health benefits of drinking alcohol as well?
In the GI Tract, fermentation is considered to promote gut health and restore pleasant bacteria. Alcohol is an all-natural by-product that is a fermentation consequence. Wine, for instance, is made from fermented grapes and other fruits; beer, including vodka and other high-proof spirits, is made from fermented grains.
Gut health is not the only medicinal benefit of common household alcohol. Booze is perfect for curing illnesses and can really save you in a desperate situation, in addition to having a little fun.
In tinctures, you can also use alcohol, one that is at least 80 proof (40 percent alcohol). In this situation, since it has no flavor, vodka is the chosen alcohol to use, although rum, gin, brandy, and whisky will also work. Tinctures have a very significant characteristic: they penetrate more easily into the body than any other way of using herbal medicine.
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It is important to remember that if alcoholism is a problem, none of these health advantages matter. The majority of figures and research indicate that 1-2 of these drinks a day is adequate to see the health benefits. Anything more than that puts yourself in danger. Moderation is essential.
If you pour yourself a drink, here are 10 medicinal uses of alcohol that you may benefit from.
Red Wine
Wine is known to have many health benefits. You should opt for red wine because of the grape skins that contain powerful medicinal benefits, it is more effective than white wine. It is believed that 2-7 glasses of red wine per week will be adequate to reap the reward.
1. Antioxidants
High amounts of strong antioxidants are inherently found in red wine. Antioxidants are good for you because they reduce oxidant stress in the body, which is medically connected to many illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer. Your risk of contracting such diseases can be minimized by consuming one glass of red wine per night.
2. Lowers Blood Pressure
One of the antioxidants in red wine described above is called resveratrol, a component that is said to help lower blood pressure and improve good cholesterol. In red wine, compounds are also related to healthy blood vessels and blood flow.
Did you know that your favorite hoppy, carbonated drink actually has health benefits? When drunk in moderation, of course, these advantages are prominent.
3. Heart Health
Beer has a blood-thinning effect, like most alcohol, and is believed to combat blood clots and minimize the risk of coronary heart disease. Inflammation in the body is also minimized. Alcohol stimulates the production of healthy cholesterol, which avoids plaque buildup in your arteries.
4. Reduces Risk of Kidney Stones
Beer also contains high amounts of potassium and magnesium, in addition to enzymes and antioxidants, which combat the development of kidney stones. Furthermore, beer consists of 90 percent water. The most foolproof security strategy against kidney stones is drinking plenty of water. Researchers actually found that individuals who reported drinking 1 beer a day were 40 % less likely to develop kidney stones!
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For a tasty drink, the mildness of vodka can be mixed with any cocktail, although there are plenty of medical applications for vodka that do not require drinking it.
5. Disinfectant
It serves as a way to wash your hands if you are not near running water, due to the high concentration of alcohol in vodka. In addition to disinfecting, when applied to armpits, vodka can remove body odor and can be used as a mouthwash. To keep any bacteria away, keep your razor inside the vodka. With high-proof, pure vodka, you can also clean a cut or wound.
It is very important that the alcohol used in sanitizing cuts does not contain any sugar content, as sugar can encourage bacterial and yeast development.
6. Natural Repellent
When applied to your skin, vodka in a spray bottle will repel mosquitoes, flies, and other pests. Vodka can also be poured onto a jellyfish sting if you live near the shore, which will soothe the sting in a minimum of 10 minutes.
The soothing qualities of whiskey are often enjoyed after a meal. It is renowned for its distinctive fragrance and deep taste, and will now be renowned for going forward with its health properties.
7. Reduces Stress
The cocktail results in a soothing effect on the nerves after drinking just 1 glass of whiskey. It helps to allow the mind to calm down and relax.
8. Boosts Your Memory
It is proven that the antioxidants in whiskey help with memory retention and prevent the development of dementia. It also decreases the build-up of plaque that later in life may cause Alzheimer’s.
In a dire case, light rum has more uses than darker rum. Tannins in dark rum potentially contain more sugar than light rum, and when using alcohol as a topical remedy, sugar is not our friend. If rum is all you have when SHTF, make sure to use the highest proof you can find.
9. Soothe Muscle Pain
Rum can treat muscle pain and joint pain. Regularly having a small glass will increase the mineral bone in your body , resulting in stronger bones and less pain.
10. Remove Water From Your Fuel Tank
With water, fuel tanks may become contaminated. Strong rum can be poured into the gas tank if that happens. The molecules of water will bind with the rum, which will then evaporate, leaving your tank with clean gas.
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It is important to remember that alcohol has several therapeutic qualities that include multiple kinds of booze. All alcohol, for instance, will enhance gut health. As long as the alcohol is clear and sugar-free, high-proof alcohol can disinfect wounds, cuts, and toothaches. As alcohol is a natural blood thinner, several types of booze can help with heart health. This makes it easier for blood to circulate, decreasing the risk of blood clots and improving vascular health.
The easiest way to drink booze and reap the therapeutic benefits of it is to enjoy alcohol responsibly. It is enough to use those strong antioxidants and safe uses of the heart to consume about 1 drink per day of your choosing.