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My Famine Food Storage Menu

Keeping food in the pantry for their families to eat can be a real burden for a lot of people these days. At that...

9 Places to Scavenge After SHTF

A complete breakdown of society has several stages. You'll find in the early stages that people just want to sort it all out. People...

$1.70 a Day – 90 Days Emergency Food Kit

One of the main obstacles that people see when they think about planning is expense. They would like to be able to survive a...

10 Foods Not to Store

Nutrition is going to be one of the most important items to have available after every SHTF event or big natural disaster. You're not...

22 Cans You Can Purchase for $1 or Under

In case of an emergency, canned goods are not only a perfect way to store food, but also a wonderful way to feed your...

11 Food Storage Lessons Learned from WWI

World War I was a grinding conflict that brought poverty and famine to Europe. Agriculture was disrupted and the production of commercial foods plummeted....

Turn Your 72 hours BOB into 7 Days Survival Kit

Turning your 72-hour bag into a 7-day survival kit is more than feasible, but doing so in an organized manner is essential if you...

Preppers List: 5 Things to Do Immediately!

Looking at the state of the world, it is more important than ever to be prepared. Terrorism is mounting around the world. As their...

How to Keep Moisture and Pests Away from Your Food Stockpile

When preparing for the worst, you may sometimes forget to prepare for everyday problems. Your food stockpile is precious, and your home's two greatest...

A Prepper’s Wet Dream Come True – Sealed Foods that Last...

The very first lesson I learn as a prepper is that stockpiling food is, perhaps, one of the most important features of survival. It’s...