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Tag: Medicine

The Power of Plantain Herb

Usually mistaken for a pesky garden weed, plantain turns out to be a potent tool for your home remedy kit. Here’s what to know...

Prepping Supplies: The Medical Bag

Equipped with a large database of knowledge, co-workers and all the equipment/supplies they need at their fingers tips.. it is no secret that America...

How Will You Treat Your Current Ailment When The Medical System...

There is a cause for concern in the present condition of the medical system. No matter where in the world you are now, chances...

Preparing Your Own Medicine – 7 Herbs You Should Be Growing...

If you don’t yet have a medicinal herb garden, perhaps now is the time to consider starting one. Having not only a living but...

How To Fight Colds and Flu At Home

I’ll share with you what my natural cold remedies protocol is when we get sick with a cold or flu. Since I’ve been using these...

How To Make Aspirin From Willow Bark

Any time you open the medicine cabinet, you probably see the word 'Bayer' and it's most likely on a bottle of aspirin. Initially, the...

Emergency Care For Gunshot Wounds

A gun is the most powerful and easily accessible weapon, so it's obvious in a disaster scenario that gunshot wounds will be very frequent. Many...

What You Should Know Before Stockpiling Antibiotics

Medical care is one area that we should try to be self-sufficient as possible. When major disasters occur, medical services can be overpowered. Medical...

How to Grow Medicinal Herbs On Your Windowsill

I believe strongly in cultivating your own medicinal herbs and I've got quite a few in my garden. But what if you don't have...

Black Seed – The Remedy For Everything But Death

Used throughout history for their incredible healing powers, black seed has historically been found in the tomb of King Tut. This spice has been...