Outrageously Loud DIY TripWire Alarm (High Security Perimeter)


Whether you want to protect your home’s perimeter, your bug-out spot, or a campsite, this DIY tripwire alarm (if properly placed) will certainly expose any stealthy intruder.

You should always keep in mind a few military principles when setting up home defenses. OCOKA, for example, is a military procedure used to establish perimeter defenses, and stands for:

  • Observation and fields of fire
  • Cover and Concealment
  • Obstacles
  • Key Terrain
  • Avenues of Approach

When choosing the alarm location, all 5 OCOKA principles must be taken into account.

Since one man can’t keep a perimeter of 360 degrees 24/7, a tripwire alarm can be your invisible comrade guarding your back.

And it’s all very simple because all you need is a personal key-chain alarm ($4.5-but you might find it even cheaper) and a fishing wire. And, max. 10 minutes. This is one of the things I’ve learned from a well-known military officer vet Steve Walker, for whom I have all the worldwide admiration. Watch his guide and learn about protecting your family in times of war or social chaos with other useful and unorthodox quick tips.

Related: This Is How to Improve Your Home Security System