How to Make a Soup Can Stove in Just 5 Minutes


Wanna learn something new today? Here’s a quick and easy DIY stove tutorial. All you need is a soup can and an old fashion can punch opener like this one.

For those of you who prefer written instructions; here’s what to do (use punch can opener for every hole):

  • Make an air inlet on the sidewall toward the bottom of can.
  • Punch a hole in the bottom of the can right next to the air inlet you just made.
  • Use the can opener to push both flaps of metal out of the bottom of the can; and bend them into feet that the stove can stand on.
  • Do this 3 more times; making them evenly spaced from each other.
  • Punch 8 air holes around the top of the can (bend the flaps all the way down so you don’t cut yourself on them.
  • Layer the bottom of the can with some matchstick-size twigs; and put some slightly larger twigs on top of those.
  • Hold a lighter up to one of the vent holes on the bottom and light it up.

That’s all there is to it! As the smaller twigs burn up; replace them with larger twigs (no thicker than your fingers) and the flame will be smaller and more manageable. You can set a pot or skillet right on the stove; but it’s better to use a trifold pot stand.



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