Bugout Bag for your Bug In Plans

This is something that comes up all the time. The short answer is yes, of course, any survival plan needs to have backups. Which brings up the saying:

The saying “Two is one and one is none” comes from the Navy Seals. This idea simply put means that only having one of something is the same as not having it at all and having two of any item is the same as what you think having one means.”

For people that are new to prepping, welcome to the club! And let me cover the different kinds of “Bags” you will hear about.

“Bugging in refers to sheltering in your own home until the danger passes. Bug out means that you have to leave your home; usually to put some distance between yourself and the threat. It is always a good idea to consult the authorities before making a decision if you have time to do so.” 

Emergency Bags Types

EDC (Everyday Carry) – This is what you carry on your body everyday always. Here are so examples:

  • Handgun (of Course)
  • Flashlight
  • Survival Kit
  • Bic lighter or fire started
  • Phone
  • Small tools
  • Vehicle Keys and more

Everyday Carry Pack – This is a pack to add to your EDC that you have with you always. It should contain enough emergency and survival gear to get you thru the day. When I say a pack, users can use some of the following:

  • Sling bag
  • Backpack
  • Purse
  • Messenger Bag

72Hr Kit – This is a kit you will want to have on hand for emergencies. FEMA will tell you to have at least 3 days of food and water because most major disasters will take that long for help to get to you. Remember this is a basic kit to get to thru the beginning for the emergency.

Go Bag – This bag is very similar to the 72 Hr kit except it is meant for a quick getaway from where you are. You could be at work or at home. A Go Bag will be more robust and will be mobile.

Emergency Vehicle Kit – This kit could be a bag or a box that you have in your vehicle encase of emergency or you break down on the side of the road. This is not a bag so don’t worry about the weight its for your survival. Here are a few items I recommend:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Flashlight or light source
  • Backup communication option. A Ham radio or a CB
  • First Aid Fit
  • Solar charger (with whatever cords you will need)
  • A jacket and warming layer
  • Extra boots (don’t forget the socks)
  • And maintenance equipment
    • Jack
    • Spare Tire
    • Road Flare
    • Battery Pack for a jump start
    • Etc.

Get Home Bag – This bag is for people that are on the road a lot or work close enough to walk home. With that, I will say that don’t think you can just walk 20-30 miles home. Training is going to be paramount in your preparedness plan. OK, I will get off my soapbox now, this bag is different than a Go Bag a Get Home Bag is going to be set up for a specific reason and could have different equipment or gear needed to get home.

Bug Out Bag (BOB) – Now the BOB I’m sure is what most mainstream people know of. It is not like a Go Bag or any of the other kits I have mentioned so far. The BOB is meant to have enough stuff in it to get you to your Bug Out Location (BOL) or to a pre-planned destination. I feel you should have a BOB for everyone in the family and they should be training on how to use everything in it. This bag will also be larger than the rest mentioned here are a few items that could be in the BOB:

  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Cooking equipment
  • Food
  • Water
  • This bag will be tailored to your needs

I.N.C.H Bag (I’m never coming home bag) – The INCH Bag is like a BOB with the assumption that you will not be returning to your home or starting location. This bag needs to be tailored to what you think you will need to survive if you have to bugout and not return. Please put a lot of thought and research into this. I like to design my INCH bag around my other kits if possible.

In Closing

I hope this helps you understand the need to be prepared and have a survival bag depending on your situation. The world is a crazy place and I understand the need to be ready for whatever the world brings.