The world is an open book in terms of transportation, economy and immigration. This also means its open to disease as well.
A highly communicable pandemic would have the potential to travel this world and back again in a matter of 48 hours. I make this bold prediction just based on international business travel. This does not take into account tourism. If it reared its head in a place like China or the US, it would be the worst-case scenario. The blessing with something like Ebola is that it is in Africa and the population as well as tourism and business travel pales in comparison to places like US and China.
There can be an overwhelming number of items to consider when preparing for a pandemic. This is particularly true for those who have little medical knowledge. It may all seem foreign. To combat this confusion, I thought it necessary that we break up our preps into three very distinct categories.
Treating a Pandemic Within the Home
- Plastic Sheeting is one of the most important items to have an abundance of in the home. It can do things as simple as separate a few rooms to becoming a way to safely transport those who have died from the pandemic. The sheeting can also be used to cover windows and doors if the pandemic gets out of hand. Have at least 200’ for all your needs.
- Disposable Gloves
- Disposable Foot Protection
- Disposable Aprons
- N95 Respirator Masks (Learn how to make your own mask here)
- Face Shields or eye protection
- Tyvek Disposable Coveralls offer great body protection.
- Thermometers
- Fever Reducer
- Congestion Meds
- Antidiarrheal
- Throat Lozenge
- Inflammation Reducer
- Both Crystalline Vitamin C and cone flower (echinacea) will give you an option to boost the immune system. These two are critical in assuring your ability to stave off the disease as well as fight it off once its attacking you.
- Echinacea
- Water Storage will be crucial and you will want to have at least 1.5 gallons per person per day. This water will play a massive role in the hydration of those who become sick.
- Water Filter
- Hydration Powder will add a little oomph to your water through things like electrolytes. You may not have an IV on hand but that doesn’t mean you cannot stay hydrated properly.
- 100 Contractor Trash Bags
- 100 Indoor Trash Bags
- Cans with Tight Fitting Lids
- Plenty Antibacterial Soap for Handwashing
- Quality Bodily Fluids Cleanup Kit (SUPER SORB)
- Hardback copy of serious medical volumes like The Survival Medicine Handbook, The Doomsday Book of Medicine.
Related: Why Are Food Prices Increasing One Month into the Corona Virus Pandemic?
Pandemic Protection Outside the Home
There are items that you can include for protection outside the home on a daily basis. These items would not be part of your EDC or every day carry but would be better suited in something like a get home bag.
- One of the most important pieces to have in that bag when prepping for a Pandemic is the N95 respirator. These are not very expensive and will protect your nose and throat from pathogens
- You will also want some basic meds stored at in your car as well. These meds should be for dealing with symptoms. Meds that will fight fever, diarrhea and something for sore throat would all be great options. A non-drowsy medication for congestion would also help.
- A basic trauma kit will also be vital. Remember that pathogens can enter your body through any damage in your skin or any orifice. If you are cut during a pandemic it will be crucial that you clean and cover that cut ASAP.
Ideally, these items get you home as quickly as possible where you can survive a little more safely without the germs of the outside world.
Three Considerations for Pandemic Security
Unfortunately, even while people may be suffering from disease inside your home, you will still have others who want to get into your home to get what they need. This is particularly true for areas that are densely populated. They will be looking for meds, food and water. They will likely have people who are sick in their own lives. It’s a terrible thing to think about.
Still, if your family is safe within your home the last thing you want is someone from the outside tracking germs inside. You must stay vigilant and try to stop threats at the doors or windows of your home. Being proactive in this method could save those in your home.
The Attack Drone is a dual-purpose technology that acts as eyes outside the home as well as a deterrent for those who want to come on to your property. This battery powered quadcopter will not fly for very long but you will only need to give chase once. Outfit your drone with some lightweight sharpened metals or even something that looks like a taser. This is an intimidation method more than anything else.
A Perimeter Alarm will help you understand when someone has ventured too close. This will allow you some lead time so the threat does not come barreling through the front door or bashing through a window. Be sure the alarm runs off simple batteries and have a plan to change them after a while.
Any threat must be dealt with as quickly as possible. You do not want an infected person touching you or getting into your home. This is not time for a wrestling match. Be sure you have an effective firearm that will stop someone, even in light body armor, from getting into your home.
Basic preps will still be necessary in conjunction with these preps, which are more specific to the pandemic. Always start with a great base that you can build on.