15 Reasons I Don’t Like To Bug Out


First of all, I have never liked the word bug out. For years we have heard we need a 72-hour kit either from your local church, county or state agencies. Frankly, they are useless.

Yes, they will be fine for a day or two if you haul water with them. I’m coming on pretty strong today because I am actually sick and tired of seeing negative comments on Facebook that have to do with our government. I’m pretty opinionated on my views, but you will NEVER see them on Facebook. I have better things to do with my time.

Okay, I better step down off my soapbox and explain why I will not bug out or leave my home after a disaster. If my house caves in after an earthquake, yes, I will have to leave, that’s another story. If and when we go to war things will change, we need to be ready for war within our own country.

Possibly even our own neighborhoods. Maybe “war” is a bit strong, but oh my gosh, I would hate to live by some of the people who are making negative and threatening statements on Facebook or on blogs and websites.

I have lived through a tornado in Illinois, an ice storm in Illinois, major flooding in Utah and horrendous winds in Utah. I’ve bailed water from flooded homes and sandbagged many houses over the years. I’m very concerned where I live today because I live fairly close to a major freeway.

I can bet you right now we will have riots on that freeway when the SHTF! The county where I live has warned us about this. It’s the main thoroughfare for California and Nevada heading to northern Utah. The county is expecting 400,000 to 500,000 people to head to Utah if the west coast has issues, and it will. There is no other place to go, they will head this way.

72 Hour Scenario

I have told you before about the first 72 hours after a disaster. The first 24 hours the lights will go out because we will have no power. We may look across the street to see if the neighbors have power, nope, it’s dark there too. Think twice before you flush those toilets it may back up into your house. Run some water in the sink first to make sure the sewer lines are still working. Just giving you the heads-up here. If you don’t have an emergency toilet, you better get one NOW, and a shovel to bury the refuse away from any water source.

The next 24 hours, we will be checking with our neighbors to see what’s going on. We may get an alert IF the disaster is only our neighborhood. If you haven’t registered your cell phone with your city or county please do it today. Just Google Reverse 911 and your city or county. You will then follow the instructions to add your phone number to the emergency database.

Hopefully, your neighbors have stored some food and water because the local grocery stores will be empty with 48 hours, or less. I can picture checking on a few of my neighbors, unless of course, it’s a pandemic. Then I will not leave my home.

Walkie Talkies

In my neighborhood, I could only get two other families to purchase good walkie talkies so we could communicate if we had to stay in our homes. I taught a class once and this is the set the search and rescue team suggested we all get. I’ve seen these at Costco sometimes as well. Walkie Talkies

The next 24 hours people are going to start getting agitated, if they haven’t already. Here’s the deal, some people are prepared, but most are not prepared for any disaster or unforeseen emergency. I have had people say, “I’m going to Linda’s if the SHTF or after a disaster.” Really? You may want to think again.

I can’t feed the neighborhood or supply enough water for everyone. It’s not going to happen. I have asked many neighbors to get prepared for the unexpected. Some have followed my advice and many, many have not. Do I get discouraged, sure I do! Some people think the government will take care of them.

Some people believe that faith in their church will carry them through anything. When people get hungry, they get mean. I saying really mean. They will do anything to feed and hydrate their family.

Today, I am begging you to see if you can get your neighborhood to be prepared. I feel like screaming from my rooftop to warn people, but past history has shown no one is listening. I know a lot of my readers leave me comments they are prepared, or at least working on it.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You rock, but I have probably told you that before! Now, I do not have a tent, bunker or a house in the woods away from civilization. So, here are my thoughts today why you do not want to bug out unless you have the means to do it.

15 Reasons Why You Do Not Want To Bug Out

  1. Your house would be your safest bet to keep you from the weather, hot or cold. I may have told you about my friend that purchased a tent that would fit 8-10 people. I couldn’t even get that box in my only car, a Honda CRV. Nope, it would not fit. I am not buying a tent. Period.
  2. Our homes hopefully have the food we have stored for emergencies.
  3. Our homes should have water stored to go with that food and to keep our family hydrated.
  4. I have a comfortable bed in my home and will sleep better than a cot or in a sleeping bag in a tent.
  5. I have the cooking devices I will need to prepare meals or boil water.
  6. I have an emergency toilet complete with bags, kitty litter and lots of toilet paper. I made family cloths that are ready to use once the toilet paper runs out. I cut flannel into 9-inch squares.
  7. I have three different ways in my home to wash and rinse my clothes. Yep, I even have a clothesline.
  8. I have fuel stored in my garage that is not flammable, and propane in my yard that is flammable and ready to use.
  9. I have all my kitchen supplies with pans, Dutch ovens, my Sun Oven, etc., right here at home.
  10. I have all the first aid supplies at my fingertips. I could suture a bad cut if I need to do that.
  11. I have the tools, shovels, etc., right here ready to use.
  12. I have solar power ready to power up my Bosch bread maker or my wheat grinder. Of course, if I have no power I have a hand crank wheat grinder ready to start cranking to grind the hard white wheat I have stored. I still have my large stainless steel bowl to make bread by hand. I love that bowl, by the way, my mom used to have one to make her bread. If you don’t have one, get one. Stainless Steel Bowl
  13. It’s safer being at home, unless of course we have an earthquake and our home is flattened. If you think going up to the mountains to survive is going to be safer, think again. We don’t know what’s in the mountains, are there crazy people up there looking for food or water? You may run into strangers who are not friendly. You may become a target, think about that.
  14. The roads may not be safe, if you can get gas for your car. You may remember I used to say keep your gas tank half full. Now, I recommend no less than 3/4 full. Those fuel pumps at the gas stations don’t work without electricity.
  15. Please get together with your neighbors and see if you can put a plan together to help each other. People will get mean when they have no food or water after a disaster. You will be safer at home with all the preps you have been gathering over the years. Your neighborhood is YOUR community, we must work together.

Final Word

May God bless this world, we have major issues coming. If we are prepared we will not be afraid. I am prepared for anything that comes my way. I hope our neighbors do not depend on us. We must all bring something to the table. The government will not be able to help everyone right away. There are not enough medical personnel to take care of our entire community.

Trust, me on that one. I took a C.E.R.T. class and the county gave us the statistics, our city had like 180 beds in the hospital. Yes, the medical personnel will make do in schools and churches, but we must be able to take care of our own medical needs until help arrives. Please take some classes.


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After the 2008 Crisis, Richard no longer trusts our government. He helped start several survival sites in his quest and constant research for new survival tools, new DIY ideas, the best food to store, power alternatives, and especially, economic independence. His articles on bushcraft and outdoor skills have been published in national magazines and will be the subject of his next book: Future Is OTG. When he is not doing that, Richard is happily working on his farm. Which is not only a hobby, but the way he chose to live his life.