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8 Things That Will Kill Your EMP Plan

It is obvious to me that the plans make the prepper - after having broadcasted in the prepping industry for 7 years and written in it...

3 Non Lethal Booby Traps From An Army Vet

Protecting your property is a challenge especially if you live in a rural area. The police might take a long time to respond if...

How To Make A Bug Out Bag Jacket

The bug out bag is something embedded into the prepping community's fabric. Odds are high that most survivors and preppers are either ready to...

Best Canned Foods For Emergencies On The Market Today

Emergencies such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and flooding usually make you want to stockpile. But in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic succeeded in establishing long-term emergencies...

8 Small Survival Projects You Are Missing On Your Property

Since the lockdown, we have come to appreciate the philosophy that 'our home is our refuge' and we can do much more with our...

What Do Interest Rates Tell Us About the Future Economic Crisis?

Economics is a rigorous subject. Not because it is an arcane discipline with indecipherable mathematical formulas but because so many people have a vested...

25 Powerless Appliances for Your Homestead Kitchen

Kitchens are every home's hub. They're almost always busy, and there are so many daily chores. There are tons of work happening there -...

20 Edible Plants That Could Save Your Life

Sometimes, you have to think outside of the freeze-dried food paradigm. You may find yourself in the woods forced to run from your home or camp...

9 Ways to Use Garlic in a SHFT Situation

It’s totally legit that everything tastes a whole lot better with some crushed garlic on top. However, that’s the only use of this wonder...

13 Survival Foods You Should Always Have at Home

Most of us have learned that food at home is worth less than 3 days for the average American. That means that if supply...