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Tag: long term food

12 Long Shelf Life Foods You Should Know About

One of the best ways to ensure your family is prepared for no matter what is to have a useful, and plentiful supply of...

How To Can Potatoes for Long Term Preservation

Potatoes are food which is low in acidity. It's important to be aware that using pressure canning is the only effective method for canning...

How To Can Chicken (Step By Step Guide With Pictures)

Our great-grandparents knew all about canning chicken. Preserving game and surplus meat for the leaner months or for your prepping stocks is a strategy...

How to Make Portable Soup

First off, you're probably curious what portable soup is like. It's basically a dried and solidified broth for easier transport, preservation and portability. It's...

The Best ORAC Foods to Stockpile

ORAC stands for ‘oxygen radical absorbance capacity.’ It is a measuring unit that determine a specific food's antioxidant ability. The more antioxidants a food...

Turning Flour into Hardtack Biscuits With Over 100 Year Shelf Life

Why store flour (max shelf-life 1 year) when it can be made into Hardtack Biscuits that will last forever. For centuries, hardtacks were the key...

How to Dehydrate Chicken for Survival (With Pictures)

Chicken is one of the most widely consumed meats in the world, although it is not a meat but a poultry, technically. You can...