Can You Boil Eggs without Water?


One of the most versatile foods in the world is the egg.

Eggs can be cooked and prepared in various ways. Frying, poaching, and boiling are just some of the most popular ways to cook eggs. Boiling eggs would naturally require water, but would you believe it if I say you can boil egg sans water?

Yes, you can, by making an underground pit to cook them. Here’s how to do it.

3 Easy Steps on How to Boil Eggs without Water:

Step 1: Dig Two Holes

Dig a hole from the ground until it looks like a small cave (see picture 1). This will act like a stove where you can put some burning sticks for your fire.

Then, dig another smaller hole on top of the cave. The smaller hole is where you will place your eggs in a nice stack (see Picture 2).

Step 2: Cook the Eggs

After stacking all the eggs into the smaller hole, cover the eggs with green leaves and a layer of mud. Put your sticks inside the bigger hole and make a fire.

Next, make some holes in the mud layer to let the steam out during the cooking process (see picture 3).

Related: How to Keep Eggs Fresh for a Year with Isinglass

Step 3: Enjoy Your Hard Boiled Eggs

Cook your eggs for about 10-15 minutes. Then, remove the mud and leaves. Collect the cooked eggs, wash them and enjoy your delicious boiled eggs.

And that’s how you boil eggs without using water. (This method of cooking eggs is generally practiced in India).