18 Deadly Mistakes That Can Kill Your EMP Plan

It’s easy to forget what else could go wrong while dealing with one big global tragedy, COVID-19. We are all worried about the one-two punch of several SHTF scenarios that strike us at once.

Of course, for the next blow, most individuals are looking to an ailing economy! Will we slip from pandemic to depression?

As tensions increase in the South China Sea and our global enemies are emboldened by an end to the heavy-handed US military build-up era of Trump, should we return our attention to the consequences of a possible EMP? Iran? North Korea?

Note that peace on earth doesn’t even shield us from the CME blowing from the surface of the sun and shutting the lights out here on planet earth, maybe forever. Are you ready for that?

We’re going to look at 18 deadly mistakes that could ruin your EMP strategy.

Bugout Location

A bugout spot may be the very best choice you have, depending on where you live.

You need a safe place to escape the noise whether you are in a city or suburban sprawl. This is particularly important. People will go insane when the funds run out and the drinking water runs out.

As the flow of products and services is automatically cut off, the EMP is the straightest route to SHTF.

Bugout Vehicles

If your bugout strategy relies on a bugout vehicle that will be impacted by an EMP, that will most likely ruin your EMP plans.

In the confusion following an EMP, you will find yourself having to get to a position on foot.


An EMP plan is very personal.

It is very personal to an EMP plan.

You are referring to changing the way you live, and the way society works. Running away may be the best bet.

If you don’t have a bugout spot far, far away, though, then your neighbors and community must be prioritized.

Local markets, farmers and PEOPLE are going to help you survive anything like this.

Related: 10 Trees Every Survivalist Should Know and Why

Faraday Cage

The Faraday cage is designed to shield your most important electronics from the harmful impacts of an EMP.

If you do not have a Faraday cage, then that means that when that EMP hits, your electronic life will come to an end. No emails, no electronic files and no prepper’s library backed up for post-EMP reconstruction.


A few means of communication would be the most significant things you place in a Faraday cage.

You won’t be able to reach out to the world without a means of communication or even keep in contact with family if you’re broken up.

You should have many means of communication stowed inside your Faraday cage.

Two-way radios and a HAM rig, maybe. Preppers can take advantage of the frequency after an EMP.

Moderate Agriculture Plans

It doesn’t mean you have to turn your home and your land into a full-scale garden.

But if you don’t have any plans after an EMP to generate a little food, then you’re probably going to go hungry.

The supply chain will be lost, and even local farmers will be at a distance that is considered difficult to cross by many suburbanites.

Related: 10 Heirloom Vegetables For Your Home Garden

No Practice

If you wake up in a cold sweat to find that your home has all the lights off, the phone is off, and the car isn’t running, what’s next? You don’t want your dry run to be the time when anything counts.

You will regret it if you do not practice your EMP strategy until the world grinds to a halt.

Off Grid Living Plan

If you don’t deal with your life off the grid, then when you are thrown into that kind of situation, you will have some serious challenges.

Without electronics and without outside facilities, all facets of what you do on a regular basis would have to be done.

If you don’t have an off-grid living plan, then there’s no EMP plan for you.

Area Study

Do you know about your area’s risks, tools, and nuances? Have you completed an area survey to classify problems like your community’s violent gangs?

There are also pockets of violence and narcotics in rural areas and you should be mindful of them.

A field study might take you a whole weekend, but in times of chaos you can refer to its precious details.

Off Grid Heat

If you do not have an EMP plan for heating your house, then you can find out how cold and unpleasant the winter months can be.

You need a solution to off grid heat when the heat pumps and oil fired heaters stop blowing hot air, whether it’s wood for your fireplace or kerosene for your heater.

Related: 10+ Things To Do To Winter-Proof Your Home

Having No Plan

The worse plan for handling a future EMP, of course, is not to have a plan at all!

Long Term Food Storage

You have to eat and, essentially, the stores will be depleted in days, without any possibility of being replenished.

Food will not travel around the country.

Oh, look around. The food you have at home is the food you will have to survive on before you start growing and maintaining your own food or creating barter networks with those who produce food.

Health and Fitness

It is a great beginning to have a well written and detailed EMP plan.

Does your level of health and fitness, however, correlate with what’s in your plan? Can you execute in your present condition?

Not just one of the greatest failures in EMP preparation, but in all prepping, is not taking care of your health and physical fitness!

Water Purification

There are some particularly important machines in charge of cleaning our tap water.

Know that everything is turned off by an EMP.

That means it may be risky to have water coming out of your tap. That is, if at all, the taps run!

If you do not have a means of purifying water at home, you may be putting yourself and your family at enormous risk.

Related: The Easiest And Cheapest Way To Filter Water With Shungite

Water Sourcing

If the tap runs dry, where do you get all of your water? What if the water that comes out of the tap is black?

Until you sit down and define genuine water supplies in your area, your EMP plan is not complete. Rivers, lakes and springs are the best water resources which occur naturally.

Acting Quickly

The point of things like practice and preparation is to bring to your game a degree of pace and effectiveness.

Without a doubt, the EMP strategy is one that should be implemented quickly.

When people realize the power is gone, and it never returns, there will be an immense amount of anxiety that will be unleashed.

This is going to be like nothing that you’ve ever seen. It could mean your life if you get mixed up in this.


If you can not extract information from local, community, and national resources, your EMP strategy is doomed. It will not come back on when the TV goes off in an EMP.

A basic emergency radio kept in your Faraday cage can, however, give you the ability to hear government emergency messages.

Local intelligence, too, will be important. How is your town or county impacted by this EMP? You can also be alerted to local risks and opportunities by listening to those in your neighborhood.

Related: 5-Minutes DIY Tested Faraday Cage Out Of A Trash Can

Get Your Family Involved

Your family will be included in the EMP plan. So, in preparing and practicing the strategy, you should include your family.

Remember, we spoke quickly about acting. If someone in your family is not versed in what they are accountable for in that plan, you can not plan to act soon.

Perhaps nothing is going to sink your EMP plan more quickly than a family that is utterly unaware of what you are trying to accomplish.

We should all hope that we will never see the earth rocked by an EMP. In such a game, there are no winners. You should, however, be prepared to behave as a prepper, even in this case. There are a variety of things that, as you can see, can turn your EMP response into a nightmare.

Start with an awareness of your area, develop a plan that best places you off the grid for life, and then practice the plan with your family.

Except for those people who are still living without technology, life after electricity won’t be easy for anyone. It is going to be a serious hangover for the rest of us. Get away from the turmoil and start to forge a new life in densely populated areas.

Avoid these EMP plan pitfalls above all.