Out of the Box Survival Tips That Actually Work!

Each and every one of us lives a different lifestyle. The fact is, what might be a SHTF event for me, might not be for you. As we continue to move forward with our daily lives, no one can really accurately predict the kind of...

How to Prevent Wound Infection Using Saltwater

You’ve seen in movies how the hero stranded on a remote coastal shoreline has to improvise in order to survive. While accidents are a common occurrence in the unfamiliar environment, our hero will cut himself against the edge of a sharp stone to bring...

How To Stockpile Lard, The Calorie Rich Survival Food Of The Great Depression

During the great depression, suicides exploded. The stats are fairly alarming. They state 22 people per 100,000 committed suicide in 1928. These suicide jumps have occurred over time and are often a consequence of economic downturn. What makes people depressed is not the fact that...

Uncommon Items For Your Bug Out Bag

We all know what our bug-out bag essentials are, right? 90% of the items we packed are pretty much the same for all of us… but what about the other 10%? In this article, I want to give you a list of “uncommon” survival items...

Airplane Safety Tips You Should Know

We’ve all seen so many of those airplane safety demos, that we could practically recite them in our sleep! But did you know that there are some extra safety precautions you can take on a commercial airliner that no one ever tells you about? Here...

Essential Prepper Skills For The Wilderness

Every year dozens of people die in wilderness settings because they were completely unprepared to face the dangers that lurk in nature. Thinking about being lost in the wilderness brings up fears of wild beasts waiting to tear one to shreds, but Mother Nature...