Recipe – Canning Cranberry Sauce (Jellied or Whole Berry)

Homemade cranberry sauce is the perfect complement to holiday meals, and it’s easy to make and preserve at home. Canning cranberry sauce is easier than you think, and once you’ve made your own, you’ll never go back to storebought.   Jellied cranberry sauce was a staple...

How to Grow and Harvest Sweet Potatoes

One of the most versatile plants to eat and cook, sweet potatoes is also shockingly easy to grow. These tasty tubers can be grown directly in the garden, in a container, or even on a trellis. Some people even have success growing them as...

Winter Homesteading

When summertime hits, most of us are outside, tending to our gardens, collecting an abundance of fresh food, eggs, and even milk. There are no piles of snow to trudge through, and no worry of animals freezing overnight. So, what does homesteading in the...

28 Garden Remedies for Inflammation

Most of us have used ibuprofen from time-to-time. It’s a very versatile drug that’s known to help treat all sorts of pain, ranging from headaches to joint aches to muscle pain to the lingering pain after an injury, fever, and inflammation. Ibuprofen is what’s known...

Learn How to Save More Money

I am going to be starting something new. It will be about saving money and getting out of debt. I will try do a frugal challenge and tip every week. I will also be discussing the areas that we need to work on and...

Canning Lemon/Lime Curd

Citrus curd is one of the few ways to safely can up eggs at home. There’s plenty of high acid citrus juice which means that it’s safe for water bath canning. Canning lemon curd is specifically approved by the national center for food preservation....