How To Make A Bug Out Bag Jacket

The bug out bag is something embedded into the prepping community's fabric. Odds are high that most survivors and preppers are either ready to go with a bug out bag or intimately aware of what one is and how to construct one. Although it's nice...

Best Canned Foods For Emergencies On The Market Today

Emergencies such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and flooding usually make you want to stockpile. But in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic succeeded in establishing long-term emergencies for individuals and families. Stockpiling canned foods can sound easy on the surface, but some study and planning is required. The...

8 Small Survival Projects You Are Missing On Your Property

Since the lockdown, we have come to appreciate the philosophy that 'our home is our refuge' and we can do much more with our property to make it even better! Although getting out into the world is necessary, by adding a little DIY survival...

What To Do If The Biggest Civil Unrest Of Our Time Hits Your Town

The 6th of January was heart-rending. It was something I never expected to see in this country to see people breaking into the capitol building, pilfering stuff there and forcing both houses of Congress to be evacuated. That is the kind of thing that...

15 Weird Foods That Were Common During The Great Depression

The Great Depression was a time of scarcity-induced innovation: families had to do without many household staples and used their resourcefulness to come up with alternatives made from goods that were more readily available. From dying their legs with tea in lieu of stockings...

Having Egg-laying Chickens

There are few things better than having fresh eggs at hand for creating all kinds of mouthwatering dishes. Thanks to a resurgence in self-sufficiency, people around the world are enjoying fresh eggs from their own chickens instead of running to the grocery store to...