Avoid Choosing the Wrong Prepper Food

Food is everything—, especially in emergency situations. Preppers have all sorts of food that they stock but which one works well for you? Today, we discuss how to avoid choosing the wrong food for you. One of the most important things in life (other than water) is food. It gives us the energy to keep going and frankly, it keeps us alive.

Whenever you go through other prepper websites, one of the things that are usually heavily discussed is the concept of food. There are several blogs and sites that will pitch their own picks for “prepper food” staples. However, there are a few tips you need to remember to properly avoid choosing the wrong kind of food for your stockpile.

Do not choose food your family does not eat on a regular basis

One common mistake of newbie preppers are going with food that they haven’t tried before. Usually, the reason that they buy is it because another prepper has recommended it. However, what they don’t consider is that there are certain canned foods or dried food that may not pass the standards of your family.

If you’re not certain if something isn’t going to sit well with your family, you could:

  • Slowly start to integrate the ingredient into your daily meals.

If there are no other options for canned or dried food in your area and you do want to start stockpiling, it would best to help your family acclimatize to the flavor. What’s good about this is that while it may not be your family’s first choice now, it may be later. Or at least, it’ll be more palatable when there’s nothing else to eat.

  • Choose only food that your family DOES eat.

Get your family around for a meeting. Decide what they would prefer to eat for a long duration if anything else is not available. From there, determine your options.

food1 - Food Quandary: How to Avoid Choosing the Wrong Prepper Food

Do not choose food that isn’t locally available

If it’s anything that you have to ship in; you have to consider the cost. This isn’t just something that you can pass off as “buy now to save later”. Prepping requires thinking for the long-term. You cannot realistically justify a massive purchase of food that may go bad (if stocked improperly or other reasons). It would be in your best interest to select stockpile food that is locally sourced. Here are a few good reasons:

  • You’ll be supporting the local industry.
  • It’ll be cheaper for you to stockpile something that’s available nearby.

Do not stockpile only one thing

If there is anything that people need when it comes to food, it would be variety. Food fatigue is a fact of life and can severely damage your family’s morale during a hole-in. Try to rotate your rations in order to keep things fresh.

When food goes uneaten it’s a gargantuan waste. Not only is it a waste of money but it’s also a waste of space in your pantry. So with the tips above, try to see if the food you’re stockpiling is the right one for you and your family.